
Thursday, 12 February 2015

Songs I can't stop listening to (Mini Playlist)

Does anyone else find a song they love and then listen to basically that and only that for the next couple of weeks or so? Or fall in love with a song, listen to it until you physically can't stand it, forget about it for like 6 months and then fall in love with it all over again? Well I do that all the time! Here are my are current favourites which have been on repeat:

Requiem for O.M.M.2 - Of Montreal

Bros - Wolf Alice

Last Living Souls - Gorillaz

Kids With Guns - Gorillaz

Toe Cutter-Thumb Buster - Thee Oh Sees

40 Day Dream - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

Just a short list, but they're all great songs that I recommend making yourself acquainted with if you have the time:)

(Images taken from Google Images and Wikipedia.)


  1. Yess I do that all the time with songs - will have to give these a listen, thanks for sharing!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  2. I love love love Edward Sharpe with 40 Day Dream being my favorite song. That's awesome. I'm definitely acquainted, I got to see them last summer, if you ever have the chance to see them never never give up that opportunity. Thx for sharing, dude.

    1. Wow you're so lucky! I'd seriously love to see them live. I've watched a few of their live performances on Youtube and they just put on a proper show x

  3. I love Wolf Alice, they seem to be quite popular lately on a lot of blogs which is great to see! :) Rebecca | Rebecca Marie xx

    1. I'd only come across them quite recently but I'm really loving them:)x

  4. Same here!

  5. Great playlist!
    Wolf Alice are definitely worth seeing live. They were one of my favourite performances at Glastonbury last year. I missed out on free tickets for a show in London yesterday which is a massive pain :( Ellie Rowsell is amazing!
    Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros are another favourite of mine! I always feel so envious of them as they all have so much fun together when they play.
    I need to start posting playlists again - looking at this has made me realise how great is is finding new music and also being reminded of favourite bands!

    1. Thank you! Wow I'm so jealous that you've seen them live! I know, I'm starting to become a bit obsessed with her haha
      And yeah (even though I already said in one of the other comments!) they always put on a "proper" show/performance rather than just an average set.
      Yeah I like reading other people's playlists because they can be a great way of finding new music too, it's always nice finding a new band/artist and just becoming obsessed with them for a few weeks! x
